12 February 2018

Paul Singer (The Vulture), Eva Moskowitz Success Academy Slimebag Supporter - Paid for Original Steele File

Greg Pallast: Before Hillary paid for a copy, the file was already written for a news front sponsored by Republican billionaire Paul Singer.  Singer: Better known as �The Vulture.� Singer The Vulture, the court should have been told, has a long history of creating what FBI Director James Comey himself called �salacious and unverifiable� files on his enemies. I know.  Because The Vulture created a file on me. And on elected officials worldwide who got in the way of his next billion.  Poisonous garbage � but really effective, deadly garbage.
In 2011, I flew to the Congo and discovered that The Vulture had seized the funds meant to end a cholera epidemic.  I reported on Singer�s deadly capers at the top of the BBC news, on the front page of the Guardian and on Democracy Now!  ---- Read more at: https://mailchi.mp/gregpalast/the-steele-dossier-on-me?e=268df8ffc2 
Pallast's story -- I included it below the break -- actually sort of sides with Devon Nunes, though he calls him a liar  --- it's like the world has been turned upside down --- did I and other left-leaning people ever think the FBI WOULDN'T fabricate stuff?

I and other have mentioned billionaire hedgehog's support for Eva's Folly and Paul Singer in particular. (Google his name and Success Academy). Here is a link to one of my posts back in 2013:

SHAME: Gala More Proof Success Charter and Wealthy Supporters Steal Space and Resources from Public School Kids
Do you think they could afford to get their own buildings? They'll step over the bodies of their former "scholars" who they've tossed back into public schools. Scene Last Night: Loeb, Christie, Jones, Tepper, Singer - May 23, 2013 4:32 PM ET

Some of our friends protested Singer and others in 2014:

Charter School Protesters Target Hedge Fund Billionaires - BuzzFeed


Dec 2, 2014 - A small group of parents and activists targeted hedge fund billionaires Dan Loeb, Paul Singer, and Paul Tudor Jones in a protest today over New York ... As with most education debates in New York City, rhetoric at the protest quickly turned to Eva Moskowitz and Success Academy, a charter school that has ...

The �Steele Dossier� on � Me:
Why I won�t praise the FBI lie & spy machine

By Greg Palast

Do we hate Trump so much, we�ll cheer FBI perjury, cheer the monstrous FISA star chamber and the surveillance horror show exposed by Ed Snowden?

Like it or not, that creepy little GOP shill Rep. Devin Nunes, revealed facts that should scare us.  First, FBI agents failed to tell the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance (FISA) court that the file it used to justify spying on a US citizen, the �Steele dossier,� was paid for by Hillary Clinton�s campaign.

True, the FBI dropped a footnote about the source coming from a "political entity," a fuzzy cover-our-ass comment that failed to state known partisan bias. But failure to tell the court the whole truth and nothing but the truth is perjury

Ironically, Nunes himself commits the same perjury, by failing to mention the original creator of the report.  Before Hillary paid for a copy, the file was already written for a news front sponsored by Republican billionaire Paul Singer.  Singer: Better known as �The Vulture.�

Singer The Vulture, the court should have been told, has a long history of creating what FBI Director James Comey himself called �salacious and unverifiable� files on his enemies.

I know.  Because The Vulture created a file on me. And on elected officials worldwide who got in the way of his next billion.  Poisonous garbage � but really effective, deadly garbage.

In 2011, I flew to the Congo and discovered that The Vulture had seized the funds meant to end a cholera epidemic.  I reported on Singer�s deadly capers at the top of the BBC news, on the front page of the Guardian and on Democracy Now!

To spike the story, The Vulture�s PR flunky called BBC and said, �We have a file on Greg Palast.�  Apparently, it contained the same kind of salacious garbage peddled by Steele.
The BBC pressed Singer's flak to turn over the actual dossier. Singer�s flunky backed down after admitting it contained old fabricated smears that had been long discredited. (In fact, a US power company had to write me a fat check in punishment for the libel.)

So, it�s personal.  When I hear that some Trump toady is slimed by a suspect Singer file, I don�t clap with joy.

Steele-style dossiers by GOP Vulture
Singer has slipped secret, poisoned dossiers to media outlets to destroy the reputations of elected officials from Argentina to the Congo � all to make another billion.

Indeed, his PR flak boasted how he had planted stories about the president of the Republic of Congo with a pliant Washington Post. It was part of Singer's campaign to seize $400 million from the Congo for old bonds he bought for just $10 million during the nation�s civil war. Singer seized funds that were made available to the Congo by US and European taxpayers to help the destitute nation clean its water supply and end a cholera epidemic.

Even the US Treasury has accused him of �extortion.�

Singer�s smear campaign shifted to Argentina.  The nation�s President Cristina Kirchner refused to pay �El Buitre� (The Vulture) billions he demanded for old bonds based on legal flim-flam. Vulture-financed groups deployed dossiers that accused Kirchner of murder!

It worked. The new president, Mauricio Macri, in his first days in office, paid Singer the billions of dollars Kirchner had refused.
FBI texts: truly dangerous
Not all dangerous thumbs belong to Trump.
While Nunes� memo is poisoned by comically pro-Trump bias, we cannot ignore his exposure of the ill influence of partisan FBI agents like Peter Strzok.

I ask you to read the texts to his love-interest, Justice Department attorney Lisa Page. I don�t give a toot about their fooling around, I care about how they deliberately bent the investigation of Hillary Clinton to protect her.

Bernie Sanders supporters take note. Strzok admitted that the FBI somehow overlooked that Clinton�s email server, which she claimed was used for wedding invites and the like, contained several emails marked with a �c� for �confidential.�

Worse, Strzok, wrote that he saw himself as providing an �insurance� policy against Trump�s election. Remember that Comey press conference in which he stated that Clinton was �extremely careless� in handling classified emails? The Democrats blamed that for Hillary�s loss. In fact, it would have been far worse, except that Strzok convinced Comey to change the language to �extremely careless� from the much harsher � and possibly criminal � �grossly negligent.�

You can hate Trump all you want. But when FBI agents bend official statements to protect one candidate over another, our democracy is shot in the stomach.

Is Trump a bloviating bigot, a nuclearized narcissist miscreant? That�s a fact. So, why are we rushing to join his bonfire of our liberties?

Take my word for it: you don�t want the FBI picking our presidents.
The choice between FISA and freedom
Finally, I cannot believe my fellow progressives are now cheerleaders for the FISA court, the very agency Edward Snowden courageously exposed as the judicial inquisitors blessing an ugly police spy state.

Just one of the thousands of FISA court spy authorizations � revealed by Snowden � permitted the National Security Agency to get every single phone call made by Verizon callers, and similar demands were approved to seize the records of every major phone carrier.

The ACLU has been in legal combat with the FISA court over "mass, warrantless surveillance of Americans," allowing use of "Network Investigative Techniques" (i.e. malware), and information collected under the law without a warrant that could be "used to disproportionately target disfavored groups, whether minority communities, political activists, or even journalists."
I ask a simple question: have we no shame?
Again, the Nunes Memo does not discredit Mueller nor his investigation.

Nevertheless, the Nunes Memo exposed FBI perjury, how in secret the FBI brought the full dark powers of the surveillance state down on US citizens based on fabricated slanders, and used official power to flak for a Presidential candidate. And progressives are applauding?

So I ask you what Snowden asks: When you�ve crossed the wrong billionaire, when they come for you, will they quote your own words in praise of the Gestapo Lite?

A version of this story was first printed in Truthout

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