7 March 2018

Los Angeles Teacher Union Doesn't Hide Bargaining Under Dome of Silence

What a great idea ---keeping the membership and the public fully informed on the status of bargaining.

This UTLA site is interesting, considering the logic put out by our own leadership that you don't share your bargaining positions in public and therefore must but the committee of 300 under a dome of silence.

It's pretty interesting reading, a month by month of detailed chronicling. Check it out. I'm including the March 1 update. A strategy of openess can build support among union members and the public and also hold the DOE accountable.

So why doesn't the UFT do the same? Well, to hide what they are really doing from the members and then sell whatever they manage to do minimally to the members as take it or leave it.

Our old pal and teacher union critic Mike Antonucci has an interesting piece on the UTLA and Alex Caputo-Pearl where Mike seems to think they are very hungry for a strike, which you can't whisper here in NYC -- shhhhh about West Virginia and Oklahoma.
Posted: 07 Mar 2018 07:02 AM PST
United Teachers Los Angeles spent the early months of 2018 promoting and then celebrating the ratification of their healthcare agreement with the Los Angeles Unified School District. But if school board members think this bought them some time and good will when it comes to contract negotiations, they should think again. Read the rest of the story at LA School Report.
I'm guessing our leadership, which will cheer publicly, are gnashing their teeth that militant unionism can seem to win something and I bet they are just hoping for these teachers to be taught a lesson so we can have Unity slugs can tell us "we told you so." The latest Ravitch post ought to cheer our union leaders up:

West Virginia: Republicans Pull a Fast One, Introduce Bill to Lower Standards for Teachers, Eliminate State Education Department

by dianeravitch

Bargaining Updates

Bargaining Alerts


Beginning Feb. 1, 2018, the district and UTLA will be in full contract bargaining every other week until further notice.

 March 1, 2018 - UTLA was back at the bargaining table again with proposals in Special Education, Hours, Duties & Workday, Shared Decision-Making and Professional Development. The district countered with proposals to create an Ethnic Studies Task Force. or Early Education, LAUSD refused to guarantee an early shift for chapter chairs, diminishing their ability to be effectively represented at UTLA meetings, and refused proposals to put Early Education on the T salary schedule and give them an equitable workday, with a lunch break. LAUSD presented some proposals that made progress in enhancing workplace rights and working conditions for substitute educators but fell well short of UTLA demands.

**See all proposals and counterproposals by clicking on the date or scrolling below.

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