I wonder what would happen if schools threatened with being closed had a strong opt out movement. I imagine this will not happen because parents in schools in that position would have a tough time organizing opt-out and principals and those above would freak out. And teachers would be intimidated. Just a dream.
I'm a bit late to this party, since the film was released March 4 - I was still celebrating my birthday - Still am.
Our old pal, film maker Michael Elliot has been doing a series of short videos on various education issues with Kemala Karmen, all standing up to ed deform concepts. Share this with those you know on fb and twitter. (See below for instructions on best way to do it.)
We know there�s a lot of noise out there but the testing waits for no one. Opt Out remains one of the areas where we get the greatest traction and the most attention paid to the struggles facing public education. Johanna Garcia has a powerful opt out message and it needs to be shared. (see below for directions on getting the most bang for the buck.)We're hoping YOU will commit to sharing one or both of Johanna's videos (we have an English version AND a Spanish version) with your friends and networks.
How do you heal the inequities that plague our schools? Hint: Not with high-stakes tests. Parent Johanna Garcia speaks movingly about the the damage that ensues when you �make it about the tests.� #OptOut2018 (Tambi�n en Espa�ol https://www.facebook.com/groups/nycoptout/permalink/1974697522792869)
Johanna Garcia, mother and New York City parent leader, makes a heartfelt and powerful case against high-stakes standardized testing, especially as it affects urban and immigrant communities.
Part of the series "8 Powerful Voices in Defense of Public Education"USING FACEBOOK TO PROMOTE THE VIDEOS
- Go to the S4E FB page (for English) and/or NYC Opt Out FB page (for Spanish) and locate the pinned post.
- Watch the ENTIRE video (THE UNCOMFORTABLE TRUTH/LA INC�MODA VERDAD�) in the pinned post. (By watching the whole video, you encourage the FB algorithm to send the video to more FB feeds.) Don�t worry; it�s less than 2.5 minutes!
- Like/react (with the FB emojis) and comment on the video on the S4E or NYCOO page (for the same reason as above).
- Use the Share button to share to your Timeline. Choose the option Write Post.
- Add a headline/caption to entice your friends to watch the video. Do not use words like �share� or �go viral.� Recent changes to the FB algorithm makes FB downgrade those sorts of posts. Instead, consider writing something that makes a personal connection: �This really spoke to me.� �I couldn�t agree more.� Pull out a quote that resonated with you.
- We have a change in the tagging strategy!!!! Tag people in the headline you create. This is the silver bullet of social media power! Try to tag a minimum of 5 people. You can tag as many as you want. Try to tag people who aren�t already members of the education activist community! We are trying to break out of the bubble of activism and into the general public.
- Whenever you see the video--shared on a friend�s page, a group page, etc��Like� it and leave a comment. This step is crucial to keep momentum going.
? The English version of the video is pinned to @Shoot4Education on Twitter; the Spanish version is pinned to @NYCOptOut on Twitter.
? Aim to tweet out the video twice a day for 5 days (which brings you to Thursday)
? Every time you see the video in your twitter feed from someone else�s tweet, LIKE IT and RETWEET IT!
- Locate the video and hit the retweet button. Then �Quote� the tweet if you�re on your phone or tablet, or just comment if you�re on your computer.
- If you would like, you can aim your reTweet by adding these twitter handles at the beginning of your quote or retweet. By doing so, these people will become aware of Johanna�s message and so will people who follow their handles.
Social media is efficient, but a personal email to friends also delivers! So if you don�t use either of the platforms above, email your friends and include one or both of these links:
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